Sunday, October 21, 2012

Crochet Coin Purse

I have been wanting to make one of these for quite awhile now, and finally did thanks to an awesome tutorial I found on Ravelry, and using my 40% coupon to buy the purse frame at Joann Fabrics.  If you would like to make one, you can find the tutorial here.  It is written in Spanish and English!  And out of all the tutorials and patterns I could find, it was the only one that explained how to attach the fabric to the frame.

Crocheting the outer layer was so simple, as well as sewing the inner lining.  It was actually attaching the frame that was the most difficult.  First, I had started with a thin crochet thread to try to sew it on, but realized (when I was more than half way finished) that I had sewn it on the wrong side!  So I had to remove the thread and start all over.  Half way through starting over, the thread broke, so I had to remove the thread again and start all over.  On my third attempt, I ended up using regular sewing thread and a smaller needle, which made it much easier to sew on.  However, because you can see the stitches from the outside of the purse, the thread didn't look very clean and nice.  So I used the crochet thread and sewed in and out of every stitch.  I have to say it came out really well.


  1. Hi! I'm so glad you found my tutorial so useful! Would you mind if I share your post on my facebook fanpage?

    1. Absolutely, you can share it! Thanks for the tutorial, it really is the best one on the net. :)
